Healing Our Earth

From a distance, everything looks beautiful. When we gaze upon
our tiny blue planet from the black void of space, we cannot make out the many conflicts that are raging all over the planet.

While the politics of greed, hatred and power plays out in different parts of the globe, the greatest threat is largely being ignored. A rapidly growing human population coupled with a lifestyle which is based on taking more from earth than giving back is threatening the safety of all our future generations.

The hope lies in creating a new vision for our world. A vision which becomes surprisingly clear when we travel into space and look back at Earth from a distance. Watch this 3 min film and see whether you agree.

Film and Words: Nitin Das | Music: Dario Forzato | Visuals: Made with Google Earth Studio



War is often a fight for peace
Anger, but a cry for love

Every mother knows

Countries are just concepts
Borders are but egos

Every river knows


Politics is but religion
Religion is but control

Every martyr knows

Victory is but fleeting
Loss, permanent

Every orphan knows


Conflict is but business
Business but for greed

The planet knows

The world is but divided
Our future uncertain

Till everyone knows

Earth is but home
Healing it is but healing ourselves


Climate change will affect more people than all the wars combined in human history. There is only one planet which supports our life and it belongs to all of us. The world may be in conflict, but together we can heal our Earth. (Here’s a link to 10 things we can all do, to act on climate change)

You can subscribe to our monthly blog posts at this link.  We are a small group of friends trying to find new ways to reconnect people with nature. Our aim is simple. Helping people heal. Helping forests heal.


7 Comments on “Healing Our Earth

  1. Thank you for this. I have shared on various social media links.


  2. Have you noticed the views of the rivers? The branches of the rivers look like huge trees, branching out onto the earth.
    Lovely what you can see from a drone .

    Liked by 1 person

    • My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I am a sixty-seven year old woman who has had the privilege of walking on many of these roads in more countries than I can count, and over an extended period of time. My backpack has been my companion and my friend. It has kept me warm and safe during my many journeys, whether they be on our earth or in my soul. I am a child of the 60s, or, as my husband has called me so very often during these last thirty-seven years, an Old Hippie. Our generation stopped a war through our call for peace. An over-used word, I know, but, in realty is often directed towards others and not ourselves. If They would only….We may call them Republican or Democrat; regardless, it is they who are responsible for, well, I guess for everything. When I was growing up, I lived through our hatred of the “Godless Communists” and the North Vietnamese, can you believe it. My.point is that, we, as humans, at this place in time, have no chance of changing thing one because it is We who have decided who is on the side of the angels and who is the enemy. And hatred begets hatred. I have been in Eretria during their civil war, and places much worse; I have seen people dying in the streets because they have no food nor home nor anyone to help them on the last steps of their journey here on earth. The remedy lay right in front of each of one of us. Peace. A simple but extremely difficult formula to follow because, in order to do so, we have to let go of our hate, our self-righteousness and our what we consider to be our moral authority. There must be Peace in our hearts and then Peace in our families and those people whom we embrace as family, and, only then can we hope to help even one being on this earth. If you’re still with me
      hank you so very much for reading my letter. Sending Peace, Love, and Blessings. Linda Craven Vidyashanker, PhD


  3. I love you guys. What can I do here in Florida, USA to save our blue planet . I recycle, use Air Condition drainage water to water my outside plants, pick up trash,
    Drive a hybrid car.
    What more can I do ? Any suggestions?
    Your site gives me hope & I can feel the love for Gaia, that you have.


    • My Dear Brothers and Sisters, I am a sixty-seven year old woman who has had the privilege of walking on many of these roads in more countries than I can count, and over an extended period of time. My backpack has been my companion and my friend. It has kept me warm and safe during my many journeys, whether they be on our earth or in my soul. I am a child of the 60s, or, as my husband has called me so very often during these last thirty-seven years, an Old Hippie. Our generation stopped a war through our call for peace. An over-used word, I know, but, in realty is often directed towards others and not ourselves. If They would only….We may call them Republican or Democrat; regardless, it is they who are responsible for, well, I guess for everything. When I was growing up, I lived through our hatred of the “Godless Communists” and the North Vietnamese, can you believe it. My.point is that, we, as humans, at this place in time, have no chance of changing thing one because it is We who have decided who is on the side of the angels and who is the enemy. And hatred begets hatred. I have been in Eretria during their civil war, and places much worse; I have seen people dying in the streets because they have no food nor home nor anyone to help them on the last steps of their journey here on earth. The remedy lay right in front of each of one of us. Peace. A simple but extremely difficult formula to follow because, in order to do so, we have to let go of our hate, our self-righteousness and our what we consider to be our moral authority. There must be Peace in our hearts and then Peace in our families and those people whom we embrace as family, and, only then can we hope to help even one being on this earth. If you’re still with me
      hank you so very much for reading my letter. Sending Peace, Love, and Blessings. Linda Craven Vidyashanker, PhD

      Hi Peter, thank you so very much for taking.time to read and to answer my letter. I am very grateful. This vegan loves all animals and nothing passes over our threshold without first getting the imprimatur of the EWG. We recycle, etc, as does everyone. We are conscious of making more shallow our carbon footprint, as do most people who have been fortunate enough to find this website. And who can afford to do so. No plastic enters or exits our home, and I am acutely aware of the deterioration of our planet, not so much in terms of its effect on humankind so much as its effect on those species, both flora and fauna, that become extinct each.year because we have not taken care of our home planet. But each one of us has choices to make, and, in the aggregate,
      people ( not countries) in the world are indeed capable of helping those in need, whether they be the forgotten poor of our own country or those dying anonymously in the streets of Port Sudan. My point is on the word Forgotten. Many of us spend our time espousing lofty ideas in a public forum, and, all the while, there are so very many people who are living in untenable situations, unseen and anonymous. China and India are responsible for the majority of our world’s pollution. yet they have been given a pass, and without their cooperation, we and our earth are in suspended animation. And, all the while, as we talk, we have lost the ability to see the man begging in the street. We no longer wonder where he sleeps or what he eats. We no longer wonder if he will be safe that night. I believe that all beings are of one soul, and if one of us suffers, we are all lessened. And, while we talk about reducing the amount of fossil fuel that we use, there are people who live paycheck to paycheck, and all they want is a reliable car to get them to work and back.


    • Stop purchasing, using, and throwing away single-use plastic ( water bottles , straws, etc)


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