Nature Calm

Nature Calm

Find Your Peace. Grow Your Health.

Learn a range of new ideas that bring you calm, creativity, clarity, and good health. In a world full of ups and downs, discover the Japanese art of mindful nature walks. A collection of wonderful activities that will benefit you and your loved ones through life.

How Is It Useful

What is life’s greatest wealth? Having a healthy mind, a peaceful body and a circle of nourishing friendships is a priceless gift. However, unhealthy lifestyles, addictive habits and day-to-day stress can impact us deeply over time. In addition, anxieties, anger, fear, heartache, loss and loneliness are unwelcome guests we all get at some point. Furthermore, the river of relationships often flows through storms and conflicts.

Only a few truly know how to deal with these challenges in a natural, healthy way.

Nature Calm dragonfly

So how can we train the mind to instil calm and resilience within? How do we raise our energy levels and immunity to improve our well-being? How do we overcome bad habits and grow positive ones? How can we strengthen our relationships – with self, others and nature, creating remarkable changes all around?

Natue Calm

Creating Remarkable Changes

Take control of your negative thoughts and emotions with mindfulness based arts which include creative writing, mindful photography, nature arts, forest theatre and much more. Explore a treasure chest of calming nature meditations that bring you stillness and clarity. Ideas that are simple, yet highly effective for a wide range of age-groups. Revitalise your relationships with magical walks and games that recharge your head and your heart. Along the way, pick up essential skills to deal with obstacles – big or small, that lie in our journey.

150+ ways to recharge and renew

Uplift your days in charming ways with Japanese nature mindfulness. Along with multiple activities you’ll also find the latest science and principles behind nature’s healing effects. Our collection reveals delightful ideas from Japan, S.Korea, Finland, India, America and the Amazon.

Nature Calm mushroom

Where and Why ?

Surrounded by addictive screens and abnormal stress, a mindful connection with nature makes a big difference to our overstimulated brains and bodies. You can practice these activities in nature-rich spaces, neighbourhood parks, city forests, or even your own garden. Involve your friends and family or do them alone. Transform your walks, weekends, and trips into deeply enriching experiences.

Beautiful minds. Beautiful relationships.

Why lose precious time on unhealthy habits? Try something new. Once you experience these engaging activities, you will realise how useful they are. The learning helps you plant seeds of peace, kindness, and happiness all around you. Seeds that will grow into a forest of friends.

Nature Calm fox

A Calmer, Healthier You

All lessons are freely available on request, or through a kind donation to support our work. We email a handy 1 page pdf file with all lesson links that you can save to your phone and computer. Please give us 24 hrs after request to send you all the lessons. Check your inbox (or spam) for an e-mail from us:[at]gmail

Nature Calm download

FOR SELF / FAMILIES: Unique ways to rejuvenate minds, bodies, relationships. Learn how to fill your world with calm, creativity and good health. Amazing activities for you and those who matter to you. Please choose an amount that suits you.

*Suggested Price: 7US$/ 7£/ 7Eu/ 9CAD/ 9AUD or equivalent. Your participation makes our world more peaceful and a little less lonely.
Alternate UPI link for Singapore / India.

FOR PROFESSIONALS: For wellness professionals and nature based companies this course offers a variety of tools to connect with diverse people. Master remarkable new ways that help you spread health and happiness. *Suggested price: 14 US$ (or use the purple button above to choose any amount & currency that suits you). Each lesson includes beautiful downloads to increase your outreach as well as impact.

Nature Calm Course

Thank you for your kind support. Your contribution helps us bring people and forests closer to each other. For currencies other than USD, please use the purple button above.


Transforming Inner, Through Outer

Combining mindfulness with nature and creativity amplifies each of their benefits. These activities nurture the core of our wellbeing as well as our relationships, transforming our world in simple ways.

Our course has over 150+ nature calm activities in different themes to suit your schedules and interests. Each section has been carefully designed with concepts, films, and helpful notes. Feel free to go through the lessons at your own pace. No sign-ups required.

Give your mind and body the peace they deserve and the energy they need. By taking control of our own well-being and staying healthy, we are not only saving money but also invaluable time.

Engagement:  700,000+ people have read through our articles.
Awareness:  A million+ people have viewed our healing forest films.
Newsletter: Our free newsletter sends amazing new ideas to your inbox, once a month.
Nature Play: A monthly program of magical walks for younger audiences and their families.
Re-wilding: Every year 15% of our donations go into supporting non-profits that protect old forests & create new ones.

Nature Calm snail

Our aim is simple. Helping people heal. Helping forests heal. Join us in creating circles of positive change across the planet.
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